Spot the bride

Tim was still feeling unwell today, and I'm half-succumbing, half-fighting off the germs - so we decided to postpone our trip to Somerset until the New Year.  Tim also called the doctors' and got an appointment for this evening.  We had been planning to have a little walk this afternoon, but he really wasn't feeling up to it - and I really needed to get some exercise! - so I went on my own; a nice little ramble over to Greenwich Park in the beautiful golden afternoon light.  Found a nice little viewpoint just in front of the Royal Observatory, which I had not come across before - very peaceful compared to the tourist hot spot just around the corner!  

Tim went to the doc's at tea time, and I started cooking a big veggie soup - then caught up to him as he walked down to Sainsbury's to collect his prescription.  Bumped into our neighbour there and had a quick chat - until his little daughter got very bored of us, and also noticed that she was in the sweetie aisle.  Cue the end of the conversation and him whisking her off to another aisle!

Finished cooking the soup when we got in.  It was very tasty!

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