Stream #2

Mankinjoki at the Espoonlahti Nature Reserve where we had a walk before swimming lessons. I thought I'd like to do something a bit creamy like in this but it was too much light and too slow a stream. I take a picture of this shed almost each time I pass it, thinking one day it will fall in to the water. Now I started to think it won't, that it's found some sort of a weird balance of it's own.

Been a good day. Had to take it easy because of some minor tummy bug since yesterday. So it's been quiet and I've been pampered with coffee and freshly baked croissants for breakfast, I've wrapped myself in a warm and lovely woolen shawl my sister & niece brought me yesterday as a gift. Even the small bunch of 14 year olds who have occupied our basement tonight seem to take it quietly.

Take care.

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