Leaning snowbear of Leeds

Friday 29th December 2017 (1952)

After breakfast at the hotel, Mum and I had an early start heading back to Leeds. We caught the weather front up at Doncaster with sleet, the snow started at Ferrybridge and when we turned off the A1 the roads were completely covered. We made it home 10 mins before our visitors arrived.

My nephew and his wife, niece and gt-niece arrived and we had a very excited 7yr old as they don't have much snow in London. We immediately went out into the garden and, after a brief snowball fight, constructed our snow bear. That used all the snow from the small garden so we walked to the local park for another snowball fight. We also created a snowman that stood about 6 feet tall! 

While we were having dinner the snow began to melt and our snow bear started leaning heavily. He didn't last long and by mid afternoon he had collapsed to the floor. 

We were all supposed to be going to the magical lantern festival in Roundhay Park but we received an email to say that it had been cancelled for health and safety reasons. As everyone is going home tomorrow we will miss out. We had a disappointed 7yr old then so out came all the games and we provided our own entertainment at home. After she had gone to bed we had our usual game of cards. 

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