
Today was the reason we are in New York.  Big nephew is 30 years old today and he wanted to celebrate his birthday in New York.  Rob and I were the only ones "brave" enough to come.  He decided that he wanted to do a walking tour of Queens and Long island City, so that is what we have done this afternoon.  An experience.  The area is an up and coming being redeveloped going to be chic new area of industrial and other buildings.  Bits of it left us distinctly underwhelmed but it is interesting to know the history of the area and to see what they are doing and why.  Other parts were fascinating and our guide was really good.  I think the main problem was that it is still very cold here and standing still for any length of time is an issue and you get so you can't talk properly.  My camera certainly has not come out at all while we have been here - it's been grab a phone camera time big time.  My camera phone even stopped working this afternoon as it was so cold!  So on this shot the two buildings with the spikes on top you will probably know are the Empire State Building (left) and the Chrysler Building on the right.  From the Long Island side of the East River.  In extras you can see the Long island gantries which were used to transport trains across the river before everything else was available and  the other extra is the four of us, the intrepid travellers one of whom is now 30!  I remember going to the hospital on the day he was born - that was an arduous journey too as I had a broken ankle and was struggling on crutches!

Tonight we are going for a celebratory meal.  

Not sure about blipping over the next week as tomorrow Rob and I fly to warmer climes and internet access is not going to be readily available (ie expensive!).  Will be blipping when I can, so in case It's not possible, we wish you all a Happy New Year for when it comes.

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