They made me do it

This morning was spent mostly sniggering at Gorgeous who tried to piece together the last hour or two of last night. Thankfully I was completely unscathed by the gin I ingested. It was a brilliant night, just what I needed.

The now finally sober PW and I are at the in-laws. We won't be sober for long. I have had arm twisted behind back and am being forced, honest guvnor, to drink this. It's very very smooth. 

I can't help but reflect at this time of year. And I am so full of love for my friends and family, especially those who blur the lines between the two. I am incredibly lucky and so thankful for the life I have and those in it. 

This sentiment also extends to those not yet met, those that make blip such a special place and who I genuinely care about. 

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