
By icametorun

Day 1

I decided to challenge myself to take a self-portrait every day and then accept it as it is--no strategic angles or lighting, no editing, no changes to the picture. The idea came from Proud2Bme, a movement started by NEDA to encourage young women and men to be proud of who they are regardless of what they look like, thereby combating the pressure we all feel to be perfect and adhere to an unrealistic standard of beauty. This is my attempt to be proud of myself, capture who I am right now, and appreciate all that that entails.

This is the first day of the challenge. My goal is to post a picture every day--nothing special, just a self-portrait. If you're interested in hearing more about the idea, or the Proud2Bme movement, I've blogged about it here: http://www.icametorun.com/2012/10/proud-to-be-me/

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