
By RosInAus

"Hey - look at that cute pair of gulls."

I had a lovely day on Brisbane's South Bank today, absorbing as much fresh air, sun and fun I could manage - for tomorrow I begin the long journey to England once again. I'm trying to store up the warmth and colour for my arrival!

It was one of those days where photo-opportunities jumped out begging to be blipped. But in the end I went for this one. The two gulls in the foreground were eyeing up the pair below and I could swear I heard one say, "Hey - look at that cute pair of gulls down there - think we should ask 'em out?" They did indeed look like a cute pair of chicks.

By the way, this type of gull is the most numerous in Australia (The Silver Gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae)). They are quite ladylike (even the boys) when compared (say) to those ravening chip-stealers you find in British seaside resorts.

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