Hard habit to break!

Well. I hoped to Blip something slightly more exciting on the fourth anniversary of starting Blip, but my limited mobility puts me at the mercy of wherever my ‘ Carer ‘ takes me!
Today we were invited to friends for lunch. I got pushed round there in a wheel chair and had to be carried up their slippery lethal no-hand-rail steps. Anyway it was lovely once we were ensconced in the house with food and fizz.
Different friends A and C recently became engaged and here they are relaxing on the sofa with Lily their foxred working Labrador. So I’m told. I’m not a dog expert.
After four years of blips every one of which has had a song title or some musical connection in the title, I think I’ll relax this rule as it sometimes takes longer to find a title than to take the photo!
But it’s a hard habit to break.

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