All is Quiet

On New Years Day...

2018 is a busy year for the house of D.
Pops becomes a teenager, Alf hits 16 (he's said he's not joining the army and I'm not buying him a moped), it's 30 years since H and I first met and it'll be our 20 year wedding anniversary (if she doesn't dump me before September). Most alarmingly though we are both 50... Which could feel slightly scary or it could be an excuse for at least several massive pissups. 

Ian would also have been 50 so we need to think of a better title than 'Hendstock 7' which is on July 21st if you are available.

Whilst we are on the subject of people who have gone well before time I was gutted to hear about ASG. Like most of my blipfriends we'd only ever communicated online but our conversations were always interesting and his commitment to his Poppy was outstanding. I always made sure I sent him a message on Nov 11th so I'll be sure to raise a glass in remembrance in future.

On a lighter note the Chickens ( well one of them at least) have started laying. This is most excellent news.

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