
By Beeonhive

New Years Day Dancing

Our New Years eve party was a lot of fun! Card games, beer and banter, got home at 2am!  

We danced at The White Hart today with our guests Towersey Morris.  Matthew was the Towersey musician, as well as playing with the Taeppa's band. Martin, who is learning the concertina, played his first tune in public (see extra)  Way to go Martin!

Towersey performed their very entertaining Mummers' play after the dancing. They have raised nearly £1500 during December performing in all the local pubs.  The money raised is split between two local charities. Very entertaining ( another extra just to give a flavour of the play)

My task for this year is to smile while I'm dancing and I actually am here, it takes quite a bit of effort when you have to concentrate too.

Also an extra of the 'super moon' which was indeed super

A good way to start the year

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