Oh the arrogance of age. When I woke up after hours and hours of much-needed sleep the band members (see yesterday), who turned out to have crept in quietly at 5am, had been up for ages, had shopped for and cooked themselves breakfast (no raiding our fridge), had loaded the dishwasher and set it off, had stripped the beds and put the washing machine on and had made enough coffee to welcome me too to the kitchen table.

I fear that their supremely civilised behaviour means they’ll never hit the big time but should they ever be playing in your home town and should you like the privilege of hosting them, just let me know.

Accompanying them was their talented video-maker/photographer who was politely silent as I showed the band some of the photos I took at their recent video shoot (see last extra here).

We talked about processing photos and he inspired me to have another go at using Lightroom, which I have chickened out of too many times before. So this afternoon I’ve downloaded software to convert Olympus Raw files to Lightroom 4.4 on a ten-year-old PC, dug out Scott Kelby’s book on how to Lightroom, set up the folders on a new external drive and am ready to go. All this from the person who doesn’t do New Year’s Resolutions!

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