New Year's Day 2018

This is the start of year 4 of my managing a daily Blip [ in some very trying circumstances sometimes and frequent e-blips] and I feel quite proud of myself. I've always admired diary writers but never managed to keep up a traditional one - somehow a daily entry linked to a moment or moments in my day has been a much easier task. So .... a good way to start a new year!
Thought I'd also sometimes [ not always ] try Hannah282's ' 3 positives' so here goes for 1st January 2018:

1. I have my family around me today including Mum, a year after she had her heart attack and pneumonias.
2. This year is the year I retire from full time teaching so hopefully lots more time for photography, gardening and travel.
3. I am much healthier than some of my friends and acquaintances and plan to keep it that way.

Oh .....and the blip for today.......starlings silhouetted against the dismal weather and 2 pies - one a traditional steak pie which we always have on NYD and one a vegetarian one as Rory is with us today. The idea for the 2018 on top came from my Australian sister and as I had spare puff pastry from R's pie thought I'd do it too :)
Happy New Year to all friends here on Blip!

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