Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

The Old Odeon

As twin 1 and 2 aren't here, weekly hoovering falls to me. The weather is not very good for a bike ride, and I still have a cold, so the last bike ride of the year is not happening.

After coffee, I start the update of Windows on my wee laptop. It keeps on failing. However, trying to update another piece of software on the laptop shows the anti virus software, even though its switched off, is preventing the install. I uninstall the software, and leave it for now.

In the afternoon, its a quick trip down to Newington, but I've left my camera at home. With not many charity shops open, we don't stay here for long. In fact, after visiting the usual shops, we head south to see if any others were open. Only one was. On the way, I use my mobile to get a shot of the old Odeon cinema.

It was then back to Waitrose, for some tea ideas for tomorrow, there's only two of us. In fact,we're back home for coffee, and a relaxing evening. We were not going out as we both had colds. A quiet hogmanay. Thankfully Hootenanny is on. There is whisky, but purely medicinal of course.

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