Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Dear Friends

Many of you have seen photos of Pirouette (aka Peri) before.  She is one of our beloved Cavaliers.  She is 2 months shy of 10 years old. 

About a month ago, our lovely girl went in for her regular vet check-up.  She hadn't been feeling her normal spunky self.  We found that she had started into congestive heart failure.  This happens with many Cavaliers due to a mitral valve heart murmur.  We had expected this and had been prepared with administering the proper medications.  Our last Cavalier, Iggins, had the same condition, but lived a good life for another 5 years.  We expected the same with Peri.  

About a week ago, she started having problems with an irregular heartbeat.  She was also having difficulty breathing.  So, we took her to our vet, Dr. Bob, who recommended that we put her in the animal hospital on oxygen, heart monitoring and a canine cardiology workup.  We took his advice and admitted her.  

The canine cardiologist, Dr. Stacy, saw her and did a full cardiac workup.  In addition to problems with her mitral valve and irregular heart beat, she also found what she termed either a "clot or mass" in her heart above her mitral valve.  She put her on additional medications which would reduce a blood clot, if it is a clot.  If in a month the "clot or mass" is still there, then it is likely a cardiac neoplasia or cancer.  

Oh, and this was during the time that our daughter was visiting us.  She lives and works in China. 

Decision time.  Do we euthanize her now, or do we continue to administer the medications and "wait and see"?  

We chose to "wait and see".  We brought her home from the hospital after she was able to get off oxygen, and since then have given her 24 hour care.  She is doing better than she was, but it will be a long, slow climb.  She still isn't eating all that well, but she is very responsive and just wants to be with us which is normal.  

We know we have perhaps only days, or maybe weeks, or optimistically only months with her.  But we are trying to make that precious time count.  It is very hard on my husband, since Peri is really his dog.  And it is hard because this happened so fast compared to our other Cavaliers.  But we want to give her the very best chance we can while not sacrificing her quality of life.  

Thank you for allowing me to unload on you.  It has been a tough week.  On top of that our daughter flew back to China yesterday.  We loved her surprise gift of being with us through the holidays.  We are so thankful for her, but it was hard to see her go knowing we won't see her again for some time.  

If you are one who prays and would like to offer up a prayer for Peri, that would be deeply appreciated.  She has been an amazing friend to us and we pray that she will be with us for some time to come.  

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