Old lady

Obviously she isn’t but she did make me laugh with her post windy rainy beach walk blanket. Actually, now I come to think of it it’s not an old lady blanket, Jay’s nan knitted it for the little baby Daisy.

Back to school for everyone, Will got to give his new scooter a proper run out, Daisy struggled to come up with much positive from her day. She and I went to learn all about her forthcoming trip to Berlin this evening. Because she has a fabulous history teacher, it was quite the most interesting meeting I have ever had at her school. Her teacher couldn’t stop herself giving us all the background and history of everywhere they are going to visit. It looks amazing, a good mix of history with a good amount of meals out, bowling and the shopping mall thrown in. Obvs Daisy just heard the new school policy of no mobile phones on school trips....

And it ended up a bit too late to go to yoga this evening. I felt a little bereft!

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