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Aspatria "Coat of arms".

The Apocryphal tale, via Mam, was that "somebody" said Aspatria didn't have a coat of Arms. 
One Joseph Berwick, our maternal Grandad, decided we should have one.

The following was his interpretation. I'll be delighted to be corrected if only to get the correct story but -
At the top is represented the coal-mining industry. I have no idea how many there were, but Dad worked at "CWS Motor trades" on the site of, I believe, the old No. 5 Pit.
Below, left, is acknowledgement of the Sandstone Quarrying side of the Village.
Again I have no concept of number, but know that, as kids, we played in one "down whinnies" ( Whinbarrow Lane) and there were at least a further 2, one on each side of the road to Westnewton.
To the right is homage to the agricultural industry. Again - It's over 45 yrs since I was a resident, so again stand to be corrected on account of my evil memory, but I can remember, off-hand, without even wracking my brains, at least 3 farms within the 30 m.p.h. limits.
There were a number of items produced bearing the design, in how many forms I have NO idea, but Mam told of a Pig-shaped one "Speeatrie pig, won't be druv."  (driven).
During my time at Fire Service H.Q. in Cockermouth I passed an antique shop with a small person-shaped one labelled "The colonel". Unfortunately, I was strapped for cash and couldn't manage the princely sum of 15 Quid.

'Tis a fearsome task, trying to get a glint-free photo of a "sphere". I counted about 1 doz & 1/2 after chucking out the abject failures; and I think this is just about the only none-glinting one.

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