A Life in the Day

By stayathomemummy

Little Friends

Ben and I are friendly with another couple, Mel and Sam, who have a baby son two weeks older than Joshy and rejoicing in the fantastic name Obadiah - Obi for short! We used to go to the same church and now meet up once a fortnight on a Sunday evening for pizza, Top Gear and general jollity.

Mel and I went out together today to get our hair cut at New College Durham, which has a student salon where one can get a wash, trim and blow-dry for the bargain price of £6. Mel had her hair last cut on the day she went into labour, but mine has been neglected shamefully for far longer, so this was a very welcome outing for me and I feel far better for having had my split ends chopped off and some new layers cut in. Afterwards we went back to her house to do a bit of clearing up before she and Sam hosted Bible study this evening, and we put the babies together on Obi's play mat whilst we chatted and tidied. Cutely enough, they ended up holding hands!

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