Study buddies

I arrived The Mother's after work to find Lil sis completing her homework! On a Friday night too, that's quite disciplined! She could teach us all a thing or too I think. Her best pal Dave appeared to be giving her some assistance too.
We had a lovely bolognese for tea cooked by my lovely Mother before we all relaxed on the sofas and shared Lil sis' Lindt chocolate teddy! .
This week has felt like a long one but I'm also glad to be back, giving my brain a work out. My second of two assemblies went really well and must've have struck a nerve with some young people as they came to find me later in the day to ask for some mentoring. I was really proud of their reflection and maturity. I know how hard it is to ask for help sometimes.
Uni work still to do but I have set aside the weekend for that and then I'll give my interview prep more focus.

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