A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Intentional Camera Movement :: People :: EP9

Markus Heider & DHThomas have come up with a challenge this week that appeals to me and fits in with my camera shake quite nicely...

Un-Intentional Camera Movement with people as the subject is right up my street, literally. This was taken from my living room of a passing couple.

What helps this image, in my mind, is the plain pebble-dashed wall of the house opposite, having them walk 'in to' the picture and the red bobble hat that draws your attention. The other effects are made by the bare branches of shrubs in my front garden which adds a useful texture. 

Any cropping and alterations were done in Lightroom but I have added the full original as an extra to show the difference. The settings muted the colours so I brightened them a little.

Meta Date: Olympus E-M1 :: 0.6 sec :: f./22 :: ISO 100 :: 150mm lens.

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