
An overcast day, cold and some light snow showers, and really calm.

Woke up and this pesky cold/flu is still lingering, although it's calmed a lot, and tonight it's really gone down.  A lazy morning about the house, but headed down to mam's after lunch, as I'm not coping well with the cabin fever!  Mam wasn't home, she's in Unst!  So me and Sammy had a brisk walk.  Friends Robert and Shannon popped over this afternoon for a cuppa and a yarn, and then headed to town for an Indian meal.  A quiet evening at home ahead.

Whilst out with Sammy, I thought I'd start my New Year Resolution, the 2 Minute Beach Clean. I'm going to keep this up, and well worth it, although not feeling to great, and sweated a bucket load.  Maybe that's why I'm feeling better.  I gathered 21 plastic drink bottles, about 10 household bottles, plastic bags, loose plastic, a flip flop, foam by dozen, plastic crate, loads of rope and packaging for snacks!  One black bag less for our oceans, and hopefully try and get atleast one bag a week.  This was from a small beach at Da Cletts, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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