Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO saaaaaaaaaad

"You seem so sad, Eeyore."

"Sad? Why should I be sad? It's my birthday. The happiest day of the year."

"Your birthday?" said Pooh in great surprise.

"Of course it is. Can't you see? Look at all the presents I've had." He waved a foot from side to side.

"Look at the birthday cake. Candles and pink sugar."

Pooh looked - first to the right and then to the left.
"Presents?" said Pooh. "Birthday cake?" said Pooh. "Where?"

"Can't you see them?"

"No," said Pooh.

"Neither can I," said Eeyore. "Joke," he explained. "Ha Ha"

Does it make me a bad mother if I laugh at this photo? soooooooo saaaaaaaaaaaadddd!!! peh! nothing wrong with you boy, cheer up! :)

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