
By IrvingFlashman

My friends are so much more impressive than me

If I don't keep this short it will turn into an essay.
Today my housemate and wonderful friend ran the Cardiff Half Marathon. Despite catching a very unfairly timed cold this week she absolutely aced the race and came through the end with a great smile on her face.
I was incredibly proud and felt so lucky to be part of the day with her family, and to see the pride of her parents.
Tonight was lovely and I am still on a high from the moment I saw her jogging towards us half way through the race with her fist pumping the air and the biggest smile on her face.
It feels great to be so incredibly proud of a friend. I just want to go 'HEY EVERYONE, LOOK HOW IMPRESSIVE MY FRIEND IS!!!'

P.S. I love you too, Lyds <3

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