At a snails Pace...

.... or should I say at Mama dogs pace, as she manged to keep up with Rosie and I for the whole farm walk today! I had woken up with a horrible sinus headache but the day was gloriously sunny and not to be missed, so I resorted to painkillers and managed a very slow bimble. Rosie has been really appreciating home after being in the city for a while, last night she was marveling at the starry sky, today, she breathed deeply of the clean Atlantic air, we gazed into ponds, felt the warm sun on our faces, enjoyed the autumn colours in the woodland and appreciated the views! My blip is of the cut pathway through the gorse and fernane grass and looking out to the ridge of Gouladane and Bantry Bay with Hungry hill on the Beara peninsula in the distance.
After taking Rosie to Bantry to catch her bus I went for another headland walk with friends, must be on the mend!!

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