Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Christmas Boxed Up for Another Year

The commute bike needed a lot of cleaning. The rain hasn't bee very kind to it.. The bird feeder still has quite a lot of food, so I will leave that until Monday.
With the Spokes Ride Sunday,spent other parts of the morning cleaning up the front room. Piling up magazines and recycling other things, Christmas presents put away.
The afternoon was spent in Morningside. Mince Pies were on offer at the wee Sainsburys, 10p for 4 is good value. They will be needed for post ride refreshments on Sunday..
Early evening was spent removing decorations and taking down christmas cards. The decorations have been packed away, this time in to one box, the blip. My partner and I went through all the decorations no longer used. The paper / card decorations that are now past it have been sent to the recycling bin. The plastic and tinsel decorations that are falling apart. Others in better condition will be sent to the charity shops.

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