In which: plastic, not fantastic

I did my first shop of the New Year today and tried to follow my New Year’s Resolution of reducing my plastic use as far as I reasonably can.

Most of my veg was just put loose into my trolley (except mushrooms which can only be bought in a plastic box).
I swapped the usual orange squash and fruit juice for drinks in glass bottles.
I bought pasta in a paper box rather than plastic bags.
I tried to buy Quorn in paper boxes but had to get mince in a plastic bag (though much more sustainable than the meat alternative).
I can’t do anything about yoghurt: it’s either plastic cartons or nowt. I am vegetarian, I need stuff like yoghurt to balance possible calcium deficiency. Also my multivitamins were in plastic but vital for the same reason.
I reckon that there is a lot less plastic than there would have been before - certainly I would have unthinkingly bagged all the veg in plastic bags or bought ready bagged peppers.

I hope you’re proud David Attenborough.

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