At Last

By 8

Chinese Whispers

Well folks this was really fun to do. My artists' network are playing Chinese Whispers and this was my turn.
(The image I responded to is  a sculptural piece of two painted entwined twigs placed vertically into a base. One painted light blue, the second, dark blue. The twigs meet at the top where the artist placed two discs, one yellow and one blue. They called it,  "Brother Sun Sister Moon".)
If my membership had not run out I would have had an extra to show you!
Will need to get that sorted.
I hope it's straightforward.
My response is 60 x 60cms. (Not decided on title yet)
The centre section is a collage of my photographs of
1) Limpets and barnacles on a rock, printed twice - one image flipped horizontally to become a mirror image - the two prints made a circular space in the middle... I guess I was thinking planets and asteroids at this point.
2) Trees with moon peeking through at the top.
3) A piece of flotsam which suggested something being unzipped
4) Some clock faces, minus pointers. (Time and night and day seemed appropriate)
5) The keys and back plate from a lock are real and glued in place with epoxy heatproof glue.

The surrounding area of the photographs is encaustic medium in successive shades of indigo with additions of black towards the bottom.
'Stars' flicked and dripped towards base, lessening towards the upper section.
Upper section painted lightly with white to suggest clouds.
Silver edging around main image using silver leafing.
Now I pass this on to a fellow artist to respond to
EDIT: I updated my membership and can now persecute you all with extras! :-)

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