
By nudibranchies

Mid-Year review

After dressing like I herd sheep, tying my portfolio together thanks to the University shop being closed and making sure I look entirely like a country bumpkin, I set off for my mid year review for my course. D+, marked down because

- I didn't visit enough museums.
- I didn't attend enough (despite me attending almost all of my lectures and emailing when I was running late/ill).
- I don't draw enough! 
- I didn't have the correct portfolio case + labels (Uni store was closed and my printer packed in).

While I'm quietly fuming at the criteria for being marked down, I'm grinning and bearing it to try and get through the work I've not finished yet this week.

Oh well, back to my halls for the start of a declutter! Lose papers I don't need have been thrown out and I'm going to start on my desk tat tomorrow or the day after!

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