truth on a tree limb.

By kikilaine

Give My Regards to Soul and Romance

I'm desperately trying to upload this before the midnight mark here in the US.
I know its horribly grainy but it's all I could manage.

I was at The Killers' concert tonight
It was my first concert and it was more or less one of the most exhilarating experiences of my entire life.

M83 opened for them (gotta buy their album to... they are fantastic!)

I'm super jazzed to purchase The Killers' new Day and Age album... they put on a fantastic performance... B.Flowers said he had no voice but he rocked like no other... every song was phenomenal even the ones I didn't know... I wish I could go every single night.

I'm trying to ignore the fact that I will be at school by 615 tomorrow.

what a fabulous night...

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