Can't believe I'm still posting a daily blip (though not always on the day) though I nearly forgot today!.
It was a grey sort of day but the hellebore shows up well with flash, I think it is a Corsican one - though possibly hybridised by now.
Spent the morning waiting for a phone call which didn't come so decided to phone them so I could get out into the garden. I was supposed to have had a hospital appointment but when I had no word after nearly 4 weeks I phoned up and discovered the person had forgotten to make the referral (that's the 3rd time it';s happened to me in the last two and a bit years). They said they would try to fast-track it but had to get it approved and the person to do that was off sick - so I'm still waiting. It's very frustrating as it's a follow-up from the previous problem and I need to know the outcome before I can make plans for later in the year. I'll just have to learn some patience!
I did get out in the garden and made good inroads into some major tidying up of old structural things.

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