Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Bargain Bouquet

These are flowers from the bouquet Becky brought me last week.  She said it was in the sale bucket and she didn't expect them to last long.  Some of them were drooping by the next day but there are still a lot of hardy ones.  Each day the bouquet gets a little smaller but it still looks beautiful!  Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Fridays!

I have a busy evening but I have a little time before then, so I'm going to look at your journals and sprinkle stars so I don't get behind.  

I had an appointment with my new doctor today to get acquainted because the one I've had for many years left the practice.  I had to choose a new one from several others, none of whom I knew.  I am grateful that I seem to have chosen well! :-)

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