Ernest Albert Humphrey

My paternal grandfather's brother in France 1916.

I've been engaged in email exchanges with my 2nd cousin, Ernest' s grandson who it transpires lived just 12 miles from us throughout his childhood but we were ignorant of each other's existence and who knows, maybe the same is true of our parents. Hard to believe now but my understanding is that Ernest and family lived in Gravesend in Kent and my grandfather Agnew in Luton in Bedfordshire. There was a falling out and they never spoke again so the fact that Kenneth, Ernest's son then moved to a village near Luton is immaterial, the connections were lost. Even without this breakdown, it would of course have been so much harder to keep abreast of developments in the family, no social media, no email, no telephone, just snail mail.

Its now up to my generation to reestablish those broken connections and I'm working on it.

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