Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


With the cholera outbreak in Lusaka it brings the plastic bottle and plastic bag issue to the fore.  Part of the problem here is that there is so much litter on the streets, combined with  heavy rains, stagnant water in pools and people using the street as a toilet.  This is why the cholera outbreak has been so bad.  So...in the past couple of weeks people have been busy cleaning out the drains in the streets and the amount of rubbish that is around is staggering.  Some rubbish trucks were donated to the government to take the rubbish to landfill sites - unfortunately one of the trucks was burned yesterday in the rioting.  

In my job in early childhood, we recycle as much plastic as we can - using them for play materials.  Today I decided to see how many bottles it would take to fill one bottle if I cut them into small pieces to make an eco brick.  I have used 8 bottles so far and the bottle is not completely full.  We can use these as skittles at our schools - that means about 10 bottles are being recycled.  We can use them to build play areas too!  I am excited and hope my teachers will be excited too!

Happy weekend!

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