Balkan Threeband Slug

Balkan Threeband Slug, Ambigolimax nyctelius.

Nikon D7200
Tokina 100 f/2.8
f16 1/200 ISO 100 

"The Balkan Three Banded Slug (Ambigolimax nyctelius) was first described from North Africa by Bourguignat (1861), and is believed to be native to South East Europe. Since 1960 it has spread in Northern Europe, as well as heading south, reaching as far as Australia. The earliest British record dates back to the 1930s from Greenhouses in Edinburgh. Since then the species is known to have established itself outside if the greenhouse, and is believed to be widespread in Southern England and parts of Wales. However, the species has been and still is seldom recorded throughout Britain. This is in part down to externally appearing very similar to another greenhouse invader, the Iberian Three Banded Slug (Ambigolimax valentianus). Both these species are between 50-80mm long when adult, with a short indistinct keel. The body colour ranges from pale grey, to yellow-violet or brown, with a distinctive pinkish tinge. The body has prominent dark bands, running parallel down the tail. Sometimes these can be faint or reduced to blotches. The two Ambigolimax species can also be confused with native species the Tree Slug (Lehmannia marginata) which can look similar, but lacks the pinkish tinge to the body and usually has a pale central stripe running up the tail. Confidently separating these two Ambigolimax species requires dissection and examination of the shape of the penis." 
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