
By SpotsOfTime

Mell Fell

More intentional camera movement.
I do love it. I love the liberation from control and how it reminds me that things are not as fixed as we can tend to think they are. It expands the moment in many ways for me. I do love it.

I was reminded of, and have been thinking of the Wallace Stevens poem below and have enjoyed re-visiting it in my mind today as I went about lots of chores and finally got out for a quick walk before it got dark. Such a relief to get some fresh air to clear my muddy head decompressing from the week.

I've been thinking about gender and plastic amongst other things as well. There's been a really good run of programmes by Lyce Doucet on the radio lately and it has threaded with my thoughts about gender since taking a photo of my nieces and that there are no boys in the next generation. Thinking of my father and the importance of family for him and that he kept his mother's name. It threaded through today as I searched for a hairdresser as my usual seems to have gone down the pan. It is a very segregated world and I wanted to go to the barbers where I didn't have to make an appointment. It's just hair and it's short hair at that. Luckily though I managed to get an appointment with the lovely Kristi who has moved from the one I used to go to another one of the (ridiculously numerous) hairdressers in Penrith. In the meantime I went to the supermarket and tried to buy veg without any plastic - it was pretty difficult.

Gubbinal - Wallace Stevens

That strange flower, the sun,
Is just what you say.
Have it your way.

The world is ugly,
And the people are sad.

That tuft of jungle feathers,
That animal eye,
Is just what you say.

That savage of fire,
That seed,
Have it your way.

The world is ugly,
And the people are sad.

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