
Down at the bus stop first thing this morning while KK waited for the team bus to take him to Clydebank for his league game. He won't be back until late but I have had a text to say that at one point they were 3 - 0 down but they returned to win 4 - 3 so it must have been an exciting game.

Teenager went out last night and I found a text from her this morning to say she had gone to a party and won't be back. She appeared at about 4pm, the joys of being a teenager and of being a teenagers Mum not!
In the meantime hubby and I went for a long walk at Taynish where the weather was very dull but it did not rain at least, Now it is pouring and black outside.

Thanks for all my blip good wishes yesterday I am not sure I can get round to thanking you all individually but I have read and appreciate all the comments.

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