argyrios journal

By argyrios


Today I took the initial photo of the day. Gone home to have a nap, and when I wake up Andy text me.

Few weeks ago he suggested to go and take some photos from the ruins of an old monastery, which is few miles outside Guildford.

So, in his text he proposed to go today. It was a last moment thing and I think that why I enjoyed it more.

As I am impatient these days it was a nice distraction. It was in the middle of the countryside so it took all the thoughts of my mind.

This photo is close to the ruins.

He also like the lighting there and proposed to take some photos of me.
It was really strange as It was not me the one who was giving directions hihi... do 30 models survived with me lol...
Also I did not like some of the photos, some of them were really nice (i think I am more picky than my models lol)

In any case...I think there is a little hope inside me for the future...will see...
I hope for good news this time...
however I try to activate the defence mechanisms in case things go bad again :P

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