
By BernardYoung

I Reckon I'm Going In The Right Direction

Where will life take you?
We invite you to find out

Now I know
they're just trying to sell me a car
but which presumptuous, pompous,
silky-suited cretin
sat at a table and thought that one up?

We invite you to find out

I've found out, thanks.
It's taken me this far.

At one time I assumed
I was in for an easy ride
- a smooth journey from A to B.
I thought those accidents
that happen to others
would never happen to me.

How wrong can you be!

But, to cut a big pile up short,
I'm still travelling.
My suitcase is in the boot.
The engine's purring.

My foot is on the accelerator.

A happy future is out there.
I'm on my way to meet her.


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