Stevington Windmill

After some classroom time, Verity’s and my party of 5 Hertfordshire ladies ventured outside to practice some map skills.

This was a short lowland walk which took us past Stevington Windmill as part of the Anglia Region Level 1 Training. It was grey & overcast overhead, clay and claggy underfoot. I can honestly say I’ve had muddy boots plenty of times but I’ve never brought quite so much mud out of the fields with me before. Bedfordshire seems to have a very sticky kind of clay! One unfortunate lady’s pull-on fleecy boot became stuck in a particularly squelchy section and she fell over. She wouldn’t be told, but it kinda proved the point that she was wearing the wrong footwear.

I was responsible first for delivering the module on weather and how to plan to minimise the risk of girls suffering the adverse effects of it.

I had also been given the dullest module ever to teach: Girlguiding regulations, but I did it via scenario based discussion, which seemed to go well.

It was my first try as a trainer and I really enjoyed it - far more than I thought I would. I guess it helps if you have enthusiastic trainees :-)

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