A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Black-Headed Gull.

The overplanning of the Finland holiday continues. I am reluctant to lug heavy gear around airports or nature reserves. But what if I see some really ace bird or animal? My husband has a 500mm mirror lens f8 aperture which is very small and light but not really the greatest quality. I took it out today to test and it is actually quite acceptable. Small and whizzy birds are trickier since the view through the finder is pretty dark and it is difficult to tell if it is focus or not. Also it doesn't meter* with my D3100 (which I am taking as it is so much lighter than my D300) so I have to be careful when the light changes. But really even the worst photos I took today were recognisable so I think it will do a good job of taking "record shots". It will hopefully be easier to focus in summer than in winter too as there will be more light.

*The first photo I took with guessed settings was perfectly exposed, go me!

500mm f8

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