Mono Monday: Four

Yes, it takes four remotes for us to control our TV, Cable and Streaming systems.  If you think that doesn't leave this 60-something couple flummoxed at times, you would be mistaken.  We have been using them for years, but sometimes the system starts or leaves off somewhere we don't want to be and we are just complete fools trying to get where we want to go.   Actually, I confess there is a tiny 5th remote which controls our HDMI splitter (you know what that is, I am sure) but that would have messed up my shot for the challenge. 

The obvious solution would be to get a Universal remote.... and we have thought about that but....we would have to program it and when it didn't work we would have to troubleshoot an entirely new device, so we have chosen to stay with the familiar remotes that we don't know how to work rather than take on a whole new technological challenge. 

We drove home from NY this afternoon and we made it in 3 hours and 30 minutes, the fastest time ever because we didn't stop and the traffic was light due to the holiday here in the U.S. (Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday). I spent the evening trying to learn how to use my flash and it turns out it is pretty easy so I have vowed to start using it more, especially when taking shots of Hailey.  

In case you can't tell already, I didn't put a lot of thought into this shot today.  It was 11 pm and I had no blip, and there they were. I didn't want to miss participating in this 4th anniversary of Mono-Monday.  It is one of my favorites and one of the first in which  I participated shortly after I joined blip.  Many thanks to Paladian who started what has now become an important part of Blipfoto.  Many thanks to Skeena who is hosting this month and who keeps the challenge organized and well stocked with hosts.  

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