Arlo’s for lunch

We fought our way through the snow to get to Newcastle to collect Nathaniel from nursery as his dad now has the flu. He’d had his lunch at nursery but decided he’d have the Korean Spiced Beef Noodle salad as we were having lunch too.

Mr C then took him to Halfords to get a big boys’ car seat, while I picked Ella up from school. I arranged with her teacher that I’ll go in next week to talk to the children about Antarctica so I have to get some pix put on a memory stick, and find the balaclavas, thermals etc for the children to try on. Ella is very excited, possibly because her teacher said she could come home with me a bit early afterwards!

She has obviously been paying attention as when I was supervising her writing a couple of Xmas thankmyou letters, she suddenly said “RobertFalcon Scott”.

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