
By Shutterup


This little poppet was one of three (at a time) little robins coming to feast on the birdfeeders this morning.  We awoke (in Oxfordhire) to a whitening of snow and so l think there was a bit of competition to find breakfast out there!!  The sun is shining and the wind is bitter (but hopefully drying my sheets) The best place was indoors with a hot cup of coffee camera in hand.  The next chore is to ring the insurance to see if we can claim for a mobile dropped in the lavatory... why do the young carry them in the back pocket of their jeans?.. Mid way through the contract it is too expensive to buy our way out.. so .. l think she may have to resort to buying a (potentially dodgy) reconditioned one from a man in the repair shop... anyone got any idea if this is a good, bad or terrible idea? supposedly comes with a two year guarantee. .. but presumably not if it has been stolen..any thoughts welcome!

Extra is my little friend stretching.. or.. displaying his ruby red chest to the other robins.. not sure 

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