.... lizard!

Had a couple of hours to fill in today whilst in Penrith, so what do think?

Yes, down to the mighty Nepean River.

It was a superb morning and a lot of general activity, but went looking for something different, and from a nice shady seat life just not get any better!!

First off, liked the effect of the filtered light on the weed in extra, and then this magpie lark or pee wee or peewit or mudlark came wandering along and sat virtually a metre from me and just looked at me. Thinking it is a seat often gets some feed thrown to it!

Anyway, then looked up and there watching all the fun from a tree branch was this quite good sized water dragon lizard. 

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

.... and all good things about to change again with our weather, we are off for the next four/five days of plus 40 deg C heat - must finish soon!

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