
I’d cancelled the weekend coming in Snowdonia, so Peter & I found ourselves with some unexpected time to enjoy a sunny local Hertfordshire walk. So not Arizona no! To be fair the colours were just as vibrant yesterday, but this huge tree stump (with 2m high branch sticking up) does help create a feeling of dry heat. In reality it was barely above freezing with frost still in the shade.

Edit: I’ve added an extra to resolve Arizona confusion.

Route: Goldings & Waterford Marsh, up to Bengeo & Chapmore End, along the Beane to Watton at Stone and back to Gobions Lane where Lauren picked us up. 3 hrs of sunshine!

Philosophy Friday
From the Greatest Show on Earth, we watched on Monday... I’ve been thinking of this quote all week and working on it :-)

The noblest art is that of making other people happy - PT Barnham

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