Our latest RISK Legacy game was played with 4 players, Kobe started with the tribe of the bear in Southeast Asia, Tarek with the aliens in Madagascar, Hannes with Khan Industries in Scandinavia and me with the mutants in Brazil.
The game progressed at a leasurly pase, because there was enough room to manoeuver. Early on in the game Hannes had some advantage with the largest population due to the event cards and Tarek some beam down event cards for the aliens. I received one red star token because no human faction had a continent.
As almost everyone was hoarding resource cards, large armies were to be expected later in the game. Kobe was the first to deploy 30+ armies, but he only gained a red star token for complete the mission (conquer 4 overseas territories) and left the rest of us more or less alone, leaving 2 large concentrations of his armies.
When it was my turn I could put 28 armies on the board and together with the 9 already in North Africa started on my campaign, first taking Tareks not so well defended HQ in Madagascar and then making the trip to Scandinavia to take Hannes' HQ. Tarek used his 5 missiles and Hannes his single one to try to stop me, and I even forgot 3 armies in Madagascar, but I still managed to complete my goal, and winning the game... although I ended with a single army in Scandinavia.

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