Sa Penya shoot

I spent all morning working on my talk for Sunday, not quite got there with it yet, but my thoughts are reducing down into something coherent I think...
This afternoon I needed a change of scenery to let the thoughts just 'be' for a bit, so we went for a walk along the Port... The sky was utterly spectacular! As we got to the end near the lighthouse we bumped into a couple of groups of Roma teenagers from Sa Penya...cue a photoshoot of a couple of groups and lots of guys wanting solo pics! Those kids know how to pose! It was a lot of fun...I've sent some over already for them. Then home via a café for a celebratory slice of pizza - Danny did really well in his latest essay! He got his result this evening!

Now back to that talk...

Drama of the day;
Spilling black coffee over the white duvet...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into the Roma guys...they are so much fun and SO cheeky! 
2) My camera - so often it can be used as a gift for other people! 
3) A stunning sunset! So much beauty!

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