Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 63 - Scottish Tourist Alert

Today we travelled from Bremen to Hamburg to do one song and be stopped by the police as apparently we were too loud... We travelled on to Bergedorf where we had a successful but freezing cold busking session. I seem to have taken on the nickname "The Shredder" when I play some of my solos in the band... today during one of my solos I was shredding so much my top string snapped and hit me right in the face... It was a slight shock but warmed me up that's for sure! I continued to try and play the rest of the solo with my fingers extremely high on the string below which was an epic fail... No idea how I managed to snap it but hey ho! New string in place...

This picture was taken in Hamburg before we started. I am holding my sheep wool made in Scotland hat as it was freezing and an amazing Chai Tea Latte.. My new fix!

We are now in Kiel for the evening and have permission to busk here tomorrow which is super! Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us!

Sad news from home today on the passing of my Great Aunt Ella, RIP. Being so far away from home makes times like these hard, I feel pretty useless. Thoughts with my family today more than ever. Made me play my violin that little bit better...

"The best tribute you can make to a loved one is the life you live after their death."

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