
Really does need to be seen LARGE!

Today I'd planned to blip a particular 'shroom cluster in Bracondale wood, just as I'd pre-planned yesterdays. But as I made my way back to that cluster I suddenly spotted this incredible sight tucked in amongst ivy and other growth, and it took my breath away! This upright tree-stump smothered with hundreds of these delicate, pretty little parasol 'shrooms. It reminded me of a fairy community, built onto a hillside, the 'houses' clustered and jostling for space. It has to be the most beautiful display of 'shrooms I've ever seen, almost like some sort of decoration. I cleared away growth which would interfere with my pics, but even so no photograph can possibly convey the sheer beauty of it in real life.
I have a few blips that I'm quite proud of - but I think this has to be not just my favourite of my 'shroom blips but my favourite of them all .....

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