
Southport shopping this morning but the picture was taken on Crosby beach.Helen had a list of a few things she wanted to get but didn't managed to get any of them but came home with a wedding outfit for Sarahs wedding in April.I went looking for a jacket for an upcoming trip to Germany and came back with some socks.

This afternoon I finished the Prop House steaming and managed a few jobs around the nursery before dark.

Very pleased this morning to be under fourteen stone for the first time in along time.Nearly a stone off only another two to go.

Sorry for a lack of comments and replies I will catch up soon.

Listening too these two wonderful artists a lot recentlyThe Freckled Ocean Mike and Ruthy.This leads me to recommending a wonderful film on Netflix called "Their finest hours" a true story about a lifeboat crew.

Weather has just been horrible and looks worse for tomorrow.Such a wet and dull winter hardly a single bright day.

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