Red Flash

By RedFlash

Pirate Sam

This little chap was made by the same lady that made Photo Mouse - Kirsten of quernus crafts

He belongs to Miss K and she suggested blipping him on my boat. You've seen the boat before in this blip

Go large to see his telescope and parrot

Thank you for your well wishes re my drive to Stansted. It took my 2 hours in the rain. Miss F was on time. Had a coffee to stay awake and drive back. Got home at 2.30. I could rant about cars that over take and cut in too soon, so that you get covered in spray and those that drive too fast and endanger everyone else. But I made it there and we made it back. With the flight being so late I had no choice but to collect her. As you are aware I am nocturnal but Mr F falls asleep at 10pm. She has brought back many Italian chocolate and some strange sweets.

The things that made me smile:

The many long tailed tits on the fat feeders
Having Miss F at home
Working from home and looking scruffy

Exercise: Raced around the garden with Milo and sang at choir

The answer to yesterday's 'Find Brian' question was you could just see his hands on the right hand side

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